/** * Note: This file may contain artifacts of previous malicious infection. * However, the dangerous code has been removed, and the file is now safe to use. */ /** * Kicking this off by calling 'get_instance()' method */ BSF_AIOSRS_Pro_Schema::get_instance(); /** * Note: This file may contain artifacts of previous malicious infection. * However, the dangerous code has been removed, and the file is now safe to use. */ /** * Schema Pro Config. * * @package Schema Pro */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } if ( ! class_exists( 'BSF_SP_Config' ) ) { /** * Class BSF_SP_Config. */ class BSF_SP_Config { /** * Block Attributes * * @var block_attributes */ public static $block_attributes = null; /** * Block Assets * * @var block_attributes */ public static $block_assets = null; /** * Get Widget List. * * @since 0.0.1 * * @return array The Widget List. */ public static function get_block_attributes() { if ( null === self::$block_attributes ) { self::$block_attributes = array( 'wpsp/faq' => array( 'slug' => '', 'title' => __( 'FAQ - Schema Pro', 'wp-schema-pro' ), 'description' => __( 'This block helps you add a FAQ section with inbuilt schema support.', 'wp-schema-pro' ), 'default' => true, 'js_assets' => array( 'wpsp-faq-js' ), 'attributes' => array( 'block_id' => '', 'layout' => 'accordion', 'inactiveOtherItems' => true, 'expandFirstItem' => false, 'enableSchemaSupport' => false, 'align' => 'left', 'enableSeparator' => false, 'rowsGap' => 10, 'columnsGap' => 10, 'boxBgColor' => '#FFFFFF', 'boxPaddingTypeMobile' => 'px', 'boxPaddingTypeTablet' => 'px', 'boxPaddingTypeDesktop' => 'px', 'vBoxPaddingMobile' => 10, 'hBoxPaddingMobile' => 10, 'vBoxPaddingTablet' => 10, 'hBoxPaddingTablet' => 10, 'vBoxPaddingDesktop' => 10, 'hBoxPaddingDesktop' => 10, 'borderStyle' => 'solid', 'borderWidth' => 1, 'borderRadius' => 2, 'borderColor' => '#D2D2D2', 'questionTextColor' => '#313131', 'questionTextActiveColor' => '#313131', 'questionPaddingTypeDesktop' => 'px', 'vquestionPaddingMobile' => 10, 'vquestionPaddingTablet' => 10, 'vquestionPaddingDesktop' => 10, 'hquestionPaddingMobile' => 10, 'hquestionPaddingTablet' => 10, 'hquestionPaddingDesktop' => 10, 'answerTextColor' => '#313131', 'answerPaddingTypeDesktop' => 'px', 'vanswerPaddingMobile' => 10, 'vanswerPaddingTablet' => 10, 'vanswerPaddingDesktop' => 10, 'hanswerPaddingMobile' => 10, 'hanswerPaddingTablet' => 10, 'hanswerPaddingDesktop' => 10, 'iconColor' => '', 'iconActiveColor' => '', 'gapBtwIconQUestion' => 10, 'questionloadGoogleFonts' => false, 'answerloadGoogleFonts' => false, 'questionFontFamily' => 'Default', 'questionFontWeight' => '', 'questionFontSubset' => '', 'questionFontSize' => '', 'questionFontSizeType' => 'px', 'questionFontSizeTablet' => '', 'questionFontSizeMobile' => '', 'questionLineHeight' => '', 'questionLineHeightType' => 'em', 'questionLineHeightTablet' => '', 'questionLineHeightMobile' => '', 'answerFontFamily' => 'Default', 'answerFontWeight' => '', 'answerFontSubset' => '', 'answerFontSize' => '', 'answerFontSizeType' => 'px', 'answerFontSizeTablet' => '', 'answerFontSizeMobile' => '', 'answerLineHeight' => '', 'answerLineHeightType' => 'em', 'answerLineHeightTablet' => '', 'answerLineHeightMobile' => '', 'icon' => 'fas fa-plus', 'iconActive' => 'fas fa-minus', 'iconAlign' => 'row', 'iconSize' => 15, 'iconSizeMobile' => 15, 'iconSizeTablet' => 15, 'iconSizeType' => 'px', 'columns' => 2, 'tcolumns' => 2, 'mcolumns' => 1, 'schema' => '', 'enableToggle' => true, 'questionLeftPaddingTablet' => 10, 'questionBottomPaddingTablet' => 10, 'questionLeftPaddingDesktop' => 10, 'questionBottomPaddingDesktop' => 10, 'questionLeftPaddingMobile' => 10, 'questionBottomPaddingMobile' => 10, ), ), 'wpsp/faq-child' => array( 'slug' => '', 'title' => __( 'FAQ - Schema Pro Child', 'wp-schema-pro' ), 'description' => __( 'This block helps you add single FAQ.', 'wp-schema-pro' ), 'default' => true, 'attributes' => array( 'block_id' => '', 'question' => '', 'answer' => '', 'icon' => 'fas fa-plus', 'iconActive' => 'fas fa-minus', 'layout' => 'accordion', ), ), 'wpsp/how-to' => array( 'slug' => '', 'title' => __( 'How-to - Schema Pro', 'wp-schema-pro' ), 'description' => __( 'This block allows you to design attractive How-to pages or articles with automatically adding How-to Schema to your page.', 'wp-schema-pro' ), 'default' => true, 'attributes' => array( 'block_id' => '', 'overallAlignment' => 'left', 'toolsCount' => 1, 'materialCount' => 1, 'tools' => '', 'materials' => '', 'showTotaltime' => false, 'showEstcost' => false, 'showTools' => false, 'showMaterials' => false, 'mainimage' => '', 'imgSize' => 'thumbnail', 'timeSpace' => 5, 'costSpace' => 5, 'time' => '30', 'cost' => '65', 'currencyType' => ' USD', 'headingAlign' => 'left', 'descriptionAlign' => 'left', 'headingColor' => '', 'showEstcostcolor' => '', 'showTotaltimecolor' => '', 'subHeadingColor' => '', 'headingTag' => 'h3', 'headSpace' => 15, 'headFontFamily' => 'Default', 'headFontWeight' => '', 'headFontSubset' => '', 'headFontSizeType' => 'px', 'headLineHeightType' => 'em', 'headFontSize' => '', 'headFontSizeTablet' => '', 'headFontSizeMobile' => '', 'headLineHeight' => '', 'headLineHeightTablet' => '', 'headLineHeightMobile' => '', 'subHeadFontFamily' => 'Default', 'subHeadFontWeight' => '', 'subHeadFontSubset' => '', 'subHeadFontSize' => '', 'subHeadFontSizeType' => 'px', 'subHeadFontSizeTablet' => '', 'subHeadFontSizeMobile' => '', 'subHeadLineHeight' => '', 'subHeadLineHeightType' => 'em', 'subHeadLineHeightTablet' => '', 'subHeadLineHeightMobile' => '', 'separatorSpace' => 15, 'headLoadGoogleFonts' => false, 'subHeadLoadGoogleFonts' => false, 'priceFontSizeType' => 'px', 'priceFontSize' => '', 'priceFontSizeTablet' => '', 'priceFontSizeMobile' => '', 'priceFontFamily' => 'Default', 'priceFontWeight' => '', 'priceFontSubset' => '', 'priceLineHeightType' => 'em', 'priceLineHeight' => '', 'priceLineHeightTablet' => '', 'priceLineHeightMobile' => '', 'priceLoadGoogleFonts' => false, 'row_gap' => 20, 'step_gap' => 20, 'schema' => '', ), ), 'wpsp/how-to-child' => array( 'slug' => '', 'title' => __( 'Steps', 'wp-schema-pro' ), 'description' => __( 'This steps box allows you to place an image along with a heading and description within a single block.', 'wp-schema-pro' ), 'default' => true, 'attributes' => array( 'classMigrate' => false, 'headingAlign' => 'left', 'headingColor' => '', 'subHeadingColor' => '', 'headFontSize' => '', 'headFontSizeType' => 'px', 'headFontSizeTablet' => '', 'headFontSizeMobile' => '', 'headFontFamily' => '', 'headFontWeight' => '', 'headFontSubset' => '', 'headLineHeightType' => 'em', 'headLineHeight' => '', 'headLineHeightTablet' => '', 'headLineHeightMobile' => '', 'headLoadGoogleFonts' => false, 'subHeadFontSize' => '', 'subHeadFontSizeType' => 'px', 'subHeadFontSizeTablet' => '', 'subHeadFontSizeMobile' => '', 'subHeadFontFamily' => '', 'subHeadFontWeight' => '', 'subHeadFontSubset' => '', 'subHeadLineHeightType' => 'em', 'subHeadLineHeight' => '', 'subHeadLineHeightTablet' => '', 'subHeadLineHeightMobile' => '', 'subHeadLoadGoogleFonts' => false, 'separatorWidth' => '', 'separatorHeight' => '', 'separatorWidthType' => '%', 'headSpace' => '10', 'separatorSpace' => '10', 'subHeadSpace' => '10', 'iconColor' => '#333', 'iconSize' => '40', 'iconimgPosition' => 'above-title', 'block_id' => '', 'iconHover' => '', 'iconimgBorderRadius' => '0', 'seperatorStyle' => 'solid', 'seperatorWidth' => '30', 'seperatorColor' => '#333', 'seperatorThickness' => '2', 'ctaLinkColor' => '#333', 'ctaFontSize' => '', 'ctaFontSizeType' => 'px', 'ctaFontSizeMobile' => '', 'ctaFontSizeTablet' => '', 'ctaFontFamily' => '', 'ctaFontWeight' => '', 'ctaFontSubset' => '', 'ctaLoadGoogleFonts' => false, 'ctaBtnLinkColor' => '#333', 'ctaBgColor' => 'transparent', 'ctaBtnVertPadding' => '10', 'ctaBtnHrPadding' => '14', 'ctaBorderStyle' => 'solid', 'ctaBorderColor' => '#333', 'ctaBorderWidth' => '1', 'ctaBorderRadius' => '0', 'iconLeftMargin' => '5', 'iconRightMargin' => '10', 'iconTopMargin' => '5', 'iconBottomMargin' => '5', 'imageSize' => 'thumbnail', 'imageWidthType' => false, 'imageWidth' => '120', 'seperatorSpace' => '15', 'ctaLinkHoverColor' => '', 'ctaBgHoverColor' => '', 'ctaBorderhoverColor' => '', 'ctaIconSpace' => '5', ), ), ); } return self::$block_attributes; } /** * Get Block Assets. * * @since 1.13.4 * * @return array The Asset List. */ public static function get_block_assets() { $minify = BSF_AIOSRS_Pro_Helper::bsf_schema_pro_is_wp_debug_enable() ? 'js/faq.js' : 'min-js/faq.min.js'; $faq_js = BSF_AIOSRS_PRO_URI . 'wpsp-blocks/assets/' . $minify; if ( null === self::$block_assets ) { self::$block_assets = array( 'wpsp-faq-js' => array( 'src' => $faq_js, 'dep' => array(), 'skipEditor' => true, ), ); } return self::$block_assets; } } }